National Distributors (Wholesale)

CSQ Technologies

Shop 73, Cameron street

Harare, Zimbabwe

Mobiles Direct

Cnr RG Mgabe & Angwa Street

Opposite First Capital Bank

Harare, Zimbabwe

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

T&T Cells and AccessoriesMugeni Complex772320091
Vine Commodity514 Tm Area Next To Cbz777440343
Dwayne ElectronicsMusika Bus Teminus775227489
Tecno ShopRobert Mugabe Street772282170
Seven Grace Electronics 783180327
Mobile ExplorerI and K Complex713515399
Appliance ExpertNext to Edgar’s772355743
Brian AccessoriesChitabura Complex779642974
Fidus MobilesChitabura Complex774867017
Elton ElectronicsChitabura Complex775227489
Bluetech ElectricalsNyazumba Building783880478
Lenny ElectronicsChitabura Complex714981223
Ba2 AccessoriesOpposite Chicken Matty776614821
Daddy AccessoriesChitabura Complex775731569
Shelled TechnologyRobert Mugabe Street773406098
G.g MarkAroundRobert Mugabe Next to Texas779472001
Omega MobilesRobert Mugabe Next to Enbee77251262
Zolsen Mobiles 772860314
Omega2 MobilesOpposite Sports Shop778119904

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Globanet CellularPost Office Building, Leopord Takawira and JM Nkomo St773432835
Alcore9th ave and J Moyo Amaya Mall719955255
Africa dot com9th ave and J M N Nkomo Bulawayo Center784155363
Mbabuthe Communications9th ave and J M N Nkomo Bulawayo Center775898377
T Mobile9th ave and J M N Nkomo Bulawayo Center773432837
A mobile 9th ave and J M N Nkomo Bulawayo Center 
Tiny cellular9th ave and J M N Nkomo Bulawayo Center775871144
PatkelsCnr 9th Av and George Silundika St777285444
Itel home CBD9th ave and J Moyo Amaya Mall772982834
A-Mobile9th ave and J M n Nkomo Bulawayo Center775931262
Elite ComputersZonkizizwe mall715656518/784332116
Mobile Tech 9th ave and J M N Nkomo Bulawayo Center778094117
Daliotek5 street and 11th ave mall773642692
DeeZet DotcomShop 4, Skytop Flea Market, 9th Av and Fort St776522788
Michdub Cyberhaddon and Sly782435501
Edgars ICnr J Moyo and 8th ave777362664
Edgars IICnr J Moyo and 9th ave777362664
CSH Saloon9th Av and JMN Nkomo Street773432837
cellphone industriesJ Moyo btwn 14th and 15th ave777432837
MiidavermJ Moyo btwn 14th and 15th ave774098481
DalotekJ M N Nkomo and 15th ave775113919
Patkels Investment8th Av and G. Silundika St782441146
melvin Enterprise Robert Mugabe and 8th ave Mbali mall777285444
Bulawayo tech centerBulawayo center773677871
Wanatech Shop A25, Computer Village, Cnr 6th Av and J Moyo St782441146
Family CentreNkulumane Complex777957499
Mobile solutions10th ave and H chitepo778940041
Malaba comms10th ave and Fort Street778777094
Titan Cellular9th ave and J M N Nkomo Bulawayo Center77589921
telecoms8th ave and J M N Nkomo778965432
Goldtech8th and J Moyo772898258
SPA Center Saloon8th and J Moyo779244559
Urban Culture8th and 5street772348890
TECHNO BasketHaddon and sly772321307
Take a lookHaddon and Sly774699756
Compucell9th ave and 5 street776860685
NRZ Building shop 14Parkade center773778399
Vincit InvestmentsHaddon and Sly783445928
Phones and Accessory Center10th ave and H Chitepo774966148
Mataka.comlobengula and 9th772851682
Special Moments9th and 5 street779797900
Chikos WholesaleBulwayo772114488
I-Tech SolutionsBulawayo773361176
Sheeba communications8th ave and Robert Mugabe Modern classics779573861
Bezalet InvestmentByo CBD 
New leaf MainBulawayo CBD771380018
Fast MobileShop A4, Computer Village, Cnr 6th Av and J Moyo St775898377
4th Av Itel ShopCnr 4th Av and J.Moyo St773432837
Mobile ExpressTiny Complex 6th ave and J M N Nkomo street774202572
Cellphone industries15th ave & J moyo716941864
Gigabyte Cellular5th Av and Fort St777760944
Mobile Tech Cnr 6th Av and Fort St779388098
PolpulousCnr 6th Av and Fort St773631631
Classics ElectronicsShop 4, Zesa Complex, Baobab773363177
Itel home6th ave and  H chitepo772982834
Tinny Cellular II6th and J M N Nkomo street78341614
Lee Commstiny Complex 6th ave and J M N Nkomo street774004497
Jamaica ShopCnr 10th Av and H.Chitepo St785033826
Mobile Solutions10th Av and H. Chitepo St777336699
Live Stream Gadgetsfort street and  5th Av778792452
New LeafFort street and 6th ave 772344257
Mobile Tech H Chitepo and 10th ave 778094117
Classic EletronicsChiredzi Town715461508
Classic EletronicsChachacha715461508
Itel HomeNumber 5, Dauth Building, Masvingo715461508
Eltech264 J Tongogara St, Masvingo714221210
Nutwell InvestmentTrade Centre,  1st Floor, Masvingo772631628
Starwat IIMasvingo734656784

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Executive ElectronicsCrossover Mall, Julius Nyerere781657733
Walter’s ElectronicsShop no1 24hr complex magamba way775071702
WellcareShop no 4 24hr complex779822814

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Active PrintshopGate 3, Borrowdale Race Course776100100
Excellent ShopBindura Mall Way772282170

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Mate ElectronicsShop 17 Bahadur Centre773587254
Metro TechShop 1, AA Building, Gweru719805798
MobitechNumber 1, Alice Building, Gweru775955255
Optimus TechShop B41 Batanai Mall786096152
Shop A3Batanai Mall712310917
TawacellShop B36 Batanai Mall782684497
Midlands Computers IIShop 2 Post Office775785924
Flonic Technology IIShop 6 rank 778301790
Alcore Systems IIShop 2, Victory Building, Gweru719955255
Beyond Time IIShop 5, Moonlight Building, Gweru775843599
Skyview Shop 16 Bahadur Centre776902524
Metro Tech IIShop A2 Batanai Mall719805798
Tech WorldShop 4 First Mutual building779123622
Midlands ComputersShop A30 Lobengula St775785924
Farris EnterpriseShop 14 bahadur Centre772108549
TellecomsShop 13 rank 778611487
EdgarsCnr 3rd and 4th St2.63542E+11
Tom’s Tech HubShop 3773955669
Bradley Tech Shop 1 Bahadur Centre718578958
Smart GadgetsBatanai Mall717765689
One CellShop B53 Batanai Mall717017837
Appliance ExpertShop 1, First Mutual Building, Gweru775904808
Beyond TimeShop 6, Moonlight Building, Gweru775843599

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Benmark MobileDzivarasekwa774968502
Coslun techCnr Robert Mugabe and Second street773059625
Creative – Chinhoyi street Chinhoyi Street & N Mandela772446226
Chinhoyi Street & Bank Street772446226
Cameron Street (opp Cameron Mall)772446226
Cameron & Bank street772446226
Creative shopNick’s mall complex Chinhoyi street774078220
Mobile monstersRobert Mugabe road772446226
NOTHERN ELECRONICSGulf complex784770103
Mobile DirectAngwa and Robert Mugabe Road 
Creative TechnologiesRobert Mugabe and Bank Street715391834
TradepointRobert Mugabe and Chinhoyi Street, Opposite Total772659789
Itel Home665 Magamba way Chinhoyi774670717
Bustech investmentsCameroon and Bank Street773654133
Digital delightGROOMBRIDGE772166740
Electro fusionGROOMBRIDGE717197922
Esys electronicsJulius nyerere Nssa building732720720
Flypath accessoriesCnr Speke & Rezende776878986
Gadget CabinShop 23 Angwa street772143450
Gincom electronicsCnr first street and Robert Mugabe716759521
Jordan electronicsGROOMBRIDGE776626854
Kingdom prosperityKwame Mall, Kwame Nkurumah Street 772848731
Kings ElectronicsShop number 4 Cnr J Nyerere and Sam Nujoma788957445
Kwa cylde mobileCnr Bank Street & Mbuya Nehanda Street774860665
Cnr Robert Mugabe & Leopold Takawira street774860665
TB GeorgeJulius Nyerere777431459
TNT ElectronicsG. Silundika773784070
TAQBALCnr Robert Mugabe and Leopold Takawira781445200
TAQBALJason Moyo and First Street719342728
MemoGelRobert Mugabe Road 
Safa MobileRobert Mugabe Road and First Street783537934
Rutin InvestmentsCnr Robert Mugabe and Second street779563866
Mega ElectronicsCnr Speke and Julius Nyerere719771792
Digital SolutionsShop 11e, Indian Mall, Mbuya Nehanda776076871
Shop No.4CopaCabana Mall778011605
Neco TechComputer Mall, Cameroon Street774794142
Mattclief468 Magamba Way Chinhoyi772245157
Mobile MonstersRobert Mugabe and Leopold Takawira 
Mobile MonstersCnr Jason Moyo and Leopold Takawira775268652
CVCBlueroof, Cnr Jason Moyo and Julius Nyerere780182579
Offline TechnologiesShop 4, Kelly’s Mall, Cnr Nelson Mandela and Chinhoyi Street716745812
Fone Centre632 Nyamhunga, Between TM and Food Mart775965937 / 715938676
Offline TechnologiesShop 4, Kelly’s Mall, Corner Nelson Mandela and Chinhoyi Street716745812
Axis AccessoryShop A10, Cnr Kwame and Chinhoyi Street717238784
Executive TechnologiesRobert Mugabe and Rezende785260276
Comnorth ElectronicsMazoe and Chinamano, Travel Plaza714177521
GlobenetEastgate Market, Shop B37712942609
Bettolex ElectronicsEastgate Market, Shop H25716955184
Envy TechCopacabana trading mall shop No.12772823777
Flypath AccesoriesSpeke opposite Harare Town Council786604582 / 776878986
Craig ComputersShop No.1 Engineering Hse 88, Ruzende St and Nelson Mandela719440022
Tigers InvestmentsAngwa & R.Mugabe771390490
Doc PhonesShop No. 2, Angwa next to CBZ772356997
TB GeorgeCnr Bank & Leopold780516733
TK Mobile & ElectronicsCnr Cameron & Speke, Copacabana Mall Shop 9B774567666
NicewayR.Mugabe & 3rd772714674
Ollex InvestmentsChinhoyi Mall A21772103833
Pearl ElectronicsNations Hardware Along Angwa782795967
TeeOne ElectronicsCnr Angwa and Jason Moyo737378249
TB GeorgeCameron and Albion780516733
TB GeorgeAlbion and Cameroon780516733
KwaclydeNehanda and Bank789029586
Itel GincomR.Mugabe and First782212189
Arrmak InvestmentsKwame Mall719923931
Kingdom ProsperityKwame Mall 
Abdul WholesalersAngwa & R.Manyika772706723
Nice Leads InvestmentsCnr J.Moyo & Cameron783777555
TB GeorgeR. Mugabe & Chinhoyi780516733
Envy TechKwame & Chinhoyi787159285
Ink Advantage SolutionsCnr Whitwell and Kudu Close, Belvedere West779966161
Double TickSunset Mall782898502
Sheer MobileAngwa and Robert Mugabe Street782212189
Shop B2Kwame and First Street712018199
Boss Paki MobileRobert Mugabe and First Street782167612
Rutin InvestmentsRobert Mugabe and Julius Nyerere714862133
Focal pointVillage walk Borrowdale774078220
Focal point – kamufinzaKamfinsa772217621
Focal point- AvondaleAVONDALE772217621
Focal point- HoneydewTRAVEL PLAZA772217621
Focal point- Travel plazaNEWLANDS772217621
Focal point- WestgateHONEYDEW772217621
Focal point-GreendaleCOPY POINT772217621
Focal point-NewlandsWESTGATE772217621
Goldtech GEORGESILUNDIKA779244559
Jordan electronicsWestgate Mall776626854
Cell Trade electronicsJoina city complex776954912
Scarpa electronicsJoina city complex772368842
VeetecLeopold Takawira776626467
Ratchtech InvestmentsHenry Choats Mall, Ruzawi street (Opp DA Fuels) 
Chisas Investment52 Sam Nujoma street777778003
Complap InvestmentCnr Sam Nujoma street773056066
Bagehill BusinessNewlands777522816
G-ConnectLeopold Takawira (Next to Cell Ever)772663819
Ronnet communicationsInnez terrez732929633
Solution centerVillage walk Borrowdale8677165660
Solution center newlandsNewlands775612764
First ElectronicsFirst Street & Jason Moyo 
Mr GadgetsS24, Stanley Mall787977395
Lerasa TechSamora Machel Parkade719390598
No. 54, Threads Mall, Jason Moyo719390598
HomeRun ElectronicsG.Silundika7765635132
TB GeorgeAlong J. Nyerere next to OK781657733
Calvados ElectricalsCnr Julius Nyerere & Kwame773291407
Mr LaptopsFirst & Jason (Galaxy Mall)772557957
Stall 31Galaxy Mall776089887
TNT ElectronicsGalaxy Mall773934390
TJ MobileFirst St779563866
Future StoreSecond and Speke773785638
Avcore IndustriesCnr Julius and Jason, Netone Building780182579
Fayie ElectronicsFirst & Kwame773147941
TeltecFirst & N.Mandela785184676
Archies Cellular & AccesoriesGalaxy Mall 
Jane InvestmentsG.Silundika (Zimex Mall)772374989
SASCO TechniquesG.Silundika (Easy Walk Mall) 
PropustechJoina city complex713066890
Gadget PlusJoina city complex787173399
GlitzJason Moyo & Parkstreet777629076
Sound ElectronicsJason Moyo & Cameron773467341
Get- Connected CellphonesShop 2 St Babra Hse N.Mandela7854486980
Shop No. S11Stanley Mall783379939
Chidaushe InvestmentsShop 6 Mandela772832442
G-Connect ElectronicsL.Takawira & J.Moyo close to Cellever774093988
Roots and CultureCnr Nelson Mandela and Park775831161
Appliance ExpertG.Silundika & First772313491
Craig ComputersShop No. 4 , G.Silundika and First719440022
KwaClydeNargaji’s Shopping Mall, Leopold Takawira and Robert Mugabe774323247
AGU ElectronicsTerramak, Nelson Mandela786599386
Park AccessoriesC15 Stanley Mall785488617
BlueshopCnr Jason Moyo and Julius Nyerere772973976
TB ElectronicCnr Nelson Mandela and Innez Terrace786754339
Tsoka ShanguCnr Sam Njoma and George Silundika715383988
Juvs SolutionsShop 4, Sam Njoma and Samora Machel777748949

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Niceway WholesalersAlong R.Mugabe & First St, opposite TV Sales774838303

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Niceway WholesalersAlong R.Mugabe & First St, opposite TV Sales774838303

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Ratchtech InvestmentsHenry Choats Mall, Ruzawi street, (Opp DA Fuels)719780915
Alcore SystemsPine street (Next to Enbee) 

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Itel HomeNumber 5, Dauth Building, Masvingo715461508
Eltech264 J Tongogara St, Masvingo714221210
Nutwell InvestmentTrade Centre,  1st Floor, Masvingo772631628
Starwat IIMasvingo734656784
Excel 360 Enterpise422 Leopord Takawira St, Masvingo772291166
Mash ComputersNumber 33 Homeyer St, Tsungai Complex774330720
Excel 360 EnterpiseChivhu772291166
Excel 360 EnterpiseNyika772291166
Sharf DJMasvingo Town 773363177
SimoncitZimpost, Chiredzi776033581
Stalwart IVStand 355, Mudzikisi Building, Gutu734656784
Room 15Chicken Inn Complex, Masvingo771209073
Mectan Office SupplyRoom 5, Chicken Inn Complex, Masvingo714068447
Ventos EnterpriseShop 400, Robert Mugabe Way, Masvingo773049156
LogsoftRoom 3, Chicken Inn Complex, Masvingo772493457
Blevikal LapTechRoom 3, Chicken Inn Complex, Masvingo775476385
Laptop Sales CompanyRoom 16, Old Victoria Complex774770714
Uptown City AccessoriesRoom 10, Tsungai Complex, Masvingo778298919
Mash ComputersNumber 33, Homeyer St, Tsungai Complex, Masvingo774330720
Excel 360 Enterprise422 Leopord Takawira St, Masvingo 772291166
N-Tech ElectronicsRoom 11, Chicken Inn Complex, Masvingo784691378
DigitalageShop 12, Old Victoria Complex, Masvingo716166390
HairmartMasvingo Hairmart784241456
Sanangura Electronics Shop 8, Old Aroma Building785520940
Shonpower Investments Shop 366, Mopani Drive, Chiredzi772718349
PelagiusChiredzi Town772424575
Eltech IIStand 928 Gutu714221210
Zimpost Triangle Post Office, Triangle772380035
Simoncit IIPost Office, Triangle776033581
Munago ElectronicsShop 7, Ngungu Growth Point719100790
Third DoorMasvingo Town 771236369
LadTechRoom 15, Chicken Inn Compex, Masvingo773301505
Wintok459 H. Chitepo St, Masvingo772359941
Homebase Executive 296 Hughes St, Masvingo775366290
K&K InvestmentsStand 588, Team Land, Gutu781944131
V-Mobile 298 E Mnngagwa St, Masvingo783931058

Store Name


Shop Phone Number

Smart Gear AccessoriesChinganga Mall719087014
Macco AccessoriesI and K Complex786504714
Elsie and MaccoBluethview 1404773782216
Lumac MobilesNyazumba Mall784226473
Vine Commodity Brokers 777440343/785501956/719357448
Tanya HardwareChiramba Complex786667500
BK InvestmentsI and K Complex774140297
Bluetech EleI and K Complex783880478
Mavhyra MobiesI and K Complex771760122
Tawanda MobilesI and K Complex78565445
Smart GearChitabura Complex773052254
Mobile ExplorerNyazumba Building776542876
Tamuka AccessoriesBluethview715848198
Shop NameAddressContact
Mutare tech4D Avenue Moto-Moto731665182
Alphasoft solution 28 First Street 778140251
Wasu53 Herbert Chitepo 731665182
Cheap shop21 Second Street 713481700
Village tech55 Second Street 731665188
Mutare tech4D Avenue Moto-Moto731665182
Alphasoft solution 28 First Street 778140251
Wasu53 Herbert Chitepo 731665182
Cheap shop21 Second Street 713481700
Mutare gadgetsMoto-Moto 
Castech 59 Hebert chitepo Moto moto774168461
Bhaulex Mobile 5D Moto-Moto773795705
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